Elder Law and Special Needs Planning
Our firm is especially sensitive to the needs of the elderly and special needs individuals. Much confusion exists as to the rights and options available to the
elderly and special needs individual. Our clients want and need straight, easy to understand advice which is provided at a reasonable cost.
We provided services in the following areas:
Medicaid: What it is and is not; requirements for qualification; and protecting your assets.
Tax and Estate Planning advice for the Elderly: Probate avoidance; estate, gift and
income tax avoidance.
Planning for incapacity: Power of Attorney and Healthcare Power of Attorney Special Needs Trusts: Preventing the loss of state, local and federal benefits.
Real and Personal Property Conveyances: Explaining the tax and other consequences of such transfers of property.
Long Term Care: Exploring the options available.
Guardianship: Appointment of Guardian of the person and the estate; administration of the guardianship estate.
Estate and Trust Administration: Giving expert advice and assistance to the executor and trustee.